And I’m Back!

May 7, 2013

It feels so good to be  back on track. It’s only really been 24 hours and I already feel a little more mental clarity, less bloated, and not so anxious with cravings. And I’m on my period, which means I’m extra bloated, full of cramps, and battling a constant migraine. And I’m emotional, and mushy today for some reason. So I’ll get it out-of-the-way real quick. I love Steven. I love him more than I thought I could ever love someone. He’s my other half, my best friend and I can’t believe I lived life without him for so long.

Ok, now that that’s done lets recap my cookup last night. It took me about 2 hours to do it all, but now I have protein and veggies options in my frige for the next few days. Here is what I made:

8 Grilled chicken thighs:  (Salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika. 400* in the oven for 35-40 min)

8 pieces of rockfish: (cocnut butter, ghee, chopped garlic, salt, pepper, herbs de provance 15 minutes 375* in the oven)

Green beans & Cashews (Steven made these, my fav) Fresh green beans, balsamic, olive oil, salt, pepper, cashews. SO GOOD

Salmon Cakes!!! (seriously can’t get enough of them) See the recipe here

Homemade Mayo <— WIN on this one. Followed the directions like a boss, recipe here

Homemade Tartar sauce  (made with the homemade mayo) Recipe below!

ISWF Tartar Sauce

1/2 cup Olive Oil Mayo

1 T. minced dill pickle

2 T. fresh parsley, minced

2 tsp capers, minced

2 tsp fresh chives, minced  (I used dry)

1/2 T. lemon juice

1 tsp pickle juice

Salt and fresh ground pepper

Add all ingredients to bowl and mix with spatula. Allow flavors to meld for 30 minutes in fridge before serving.  **This worked really well with the rockfish I made, and goes great with the Salmon Cakes. Although the salmon cakes are heaven on their own**

Today I started the day off right with 3 eggs scrambled with some mushrooms and spinach, a banana,  and a lovely (double shot) cup of Roma Nespresso. Love my Nespresso. I also love that I have coffee options in the house. If I just want a nice cup of drip coffee, Steven makes the best. If I want an espresso or latte, Nespresso takes care of it.

I packed up my lunch up as well (hand full of strawberries, 3 small chicken thighs, and about 2 cups of green beans). That should hold me over till my workout tonight. And dinner will be some rockfish over cauliflower mash. If you haven’t yet tried cauliflower mash and happen to love the comfort of mashed potatoes, give these a try. You’ll learn to love them, appreciate them, and ultimately crave them 🙂