Hi Everyone!
I wanted put out a quick update as today is one week after I finished the raw/vegan cleanse.

I’m still down 7.2lbs and feeling pretty good. I’ve added in some wheat, yeast, and dairy products here and there and the biggest change I’ve noticed are small breakouts on my shoulders and face as well as an upset stomach. Pretty much right after I had a little ice cream last night, my stomach punched me in the face. So, dairy is a no go right now. I’ve also had some beer (last Friday) and as of now, I can’t tell if the yeast in the beer, or the wheat from bread (as they were consumed in the same night) caused an upset stomach and breakouts.

Its much easier for me to stay away from yeast right now. No alcohol, no gluten, etc. Wheat seems to be a little harder to avoid  (hello cupcakes), but I think I’m doing a pretty good job of it.
Here is what my diet looks like this week:

Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled  eggs (sprinkled with cumin) , Synnergy or watermelon/chia cooler

Lunch: Salad- romaine, carrots, celery, raw/vegan pate from QueSeRawSeRaw, 1/2 avocado, 1/3 chicken breast, lemon juice

Snacks: plums, oranges, vegan/raw macaroons, healthy fasting tea, watermelon chia cooler, carrots

Dinner: Chai Almond Milk and banana smoothie, grilled veggies and salmon, big salads

Dessert: fudgie macarrons from QueSeRawSeRaw, chocolate “cheesecake” from QueSeRawSeRaw

Its been pretty standard since Monday as I needed to use up some of the produce I had. But I received my Farm Fresh To You delivery yesterday morning and was stoked to find fresh organic lettuce and a cantaloupe!!! (as well as heirloom tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, lemon, and two plums).

I’m looking for a good tomato soup to make… trying to keep to vegan if possible Anyone have any good recipes?

Look for a new chia cooler tomorrow as well, Cantaloupe! Super excited about this one 🙂

Hope you’re all having a great day!

Macaroon Madness!

July 31, 2012

So I have a new obsession. And it has nothing to do with Frye boots, or Breaking Benjamin, or even my spaztic pups.  This obsession is about raw/vegan, bite-size, close your eyes and savor goodness, macaroons. Ever tried one? You should. Go now and find some, cause I guarantee you will be hooked.

I’ve seen these amazing little snacks all over the blogs I read on a daily basis. The Fitnessista makes them regularly, and most bloggers who follow a vegan, vegetarian, clean eating, etc diet tend to make these as well.

I happened to experience my first macaroons from my fav little vega/raw store, Que SeRaw SeRaw. They have little containers very day of 6 macaroons, 3 “fudgie”, and 3 “blondies”. The blondies basically taste like coconut, and the fudgies straight up rock my world.  I took 4 with me today as snacks (see my little baggie below)

So now I’m on the hunt for some macaroon recipes. Any recipes you recommend, have tried and love? Let me know!!!

Planning today’s meals was an important step in this cleaning process. I knew I wanted to keep eating the raw/vegan nutritious foods I’ve been consuming but also knew I needed to make some slight changes. Like adding in protein. Because although I pride myself on my blonde moments, this last week has been ridiculous. Protein = brain power.  Lets kick that up a notch. I also knew that there is a part of me that would want to go nuts: burgers, fries, ice cream, pasta, nutella, cookies, cake, etc etc etc. That piece of my brain is still in training, because although they feel like physical cravings, they are definitely 95% mental cravings and habits. Habits which I am determined to break.

So last night I made a list of the foods I wanted to keep eating today, and the foods I knew I needed to add in.  Exhibit A: my breakfast:

Hard boiled eggs with a dash of cumin, so good!

With a side of Raspberry Chia Synergy!

I ate/drank these around 8:15 this morning, and wasn’t hungry until 12. That my friend, is the power of protein. And chia. 🙂

Snack consisted of a beautiful organic white peach and 2 vegan/raw macaroons from Que SeRaw SeRaw. ( I made a pit stop here after the dentist to grab some goodies for today and tomorrow… not sure if what I got is going to last until tomorrow)

On another side note- the Fudgie macaroon was the most decadent chocolate dessert I’ve ever had. No joke. I will learn to make it. Otherwise you may notice a back order for macaroons at Que SeRaw SeRaw. Just sayin.

Lunch: Caper Kelp Pasta (organic sun dried tomatoes, lemon, olive oil, garlic, red onion, celery, zucchini, red bell pepper, capers, salt, sea kelp noodles). Like a lighter pasta puttanesca. So good.

I have some other great snacks like corn tortilla crisps, mock tuna pate, mock tuna nori rolls, and a chocolate mouse torte. All vegan, all raw. Plus a home made watermelon and mint cooler that I’m sorta obsessed with.

Tonight I have a dinner date with my love and some sushi. Sashimi, vegetarian nori rolls, and a salad. That’s the plan.

I have a hardcore workout planned for tonight as well. I’m super curious to see how my energy level and stamina will be. This last week I’ve felt relatively weak and unable to push my self as hard as I’m use to. I have a good feeling I’m going to feel more normal and energized and will be once again able to accept the challenge of getting my ass handed to me.

I hope you are all having a wonderful day!

Que SeRaw SeRaw!

July 25, 2012

This cleanse has been based on raw/vegan foods, full of vegetables, fruits, juices, etc.  For an Italian girl who loves her pasta, occasional glass of wine (and beer!), Nutella, and peanut butter on toast… this was a big change.  But a good change. No protein, no grains, no pasta, no processed foods. Just real, whole, organic, natural, from the earth goodness.  (And from the earth, I mean, from the earth, purchased by Sasha, created/concocted/deliciousified into something that I got to enjoy).

Every day was not only a treat but a surprise. I had no idea what Sasha was going to come up with next, what I was going to enjoy that day. After the day of juicing (which was pretty tough for me), Sasha surprised me with some legit treats. Keeping to the cleanse, they all were raw and vegan. And they were from an amazing place called Que SeRaw SeRaw. Chocolate mouse, nori rolls, cranberry scones- uh, yes please!

Cheesecake, schmeeze cake. It was straight up chocolate mouse and it rocked my world!


Clearly I was hungry…. or its just invisible. Either one


this was GOOD.. like really good… and it has raisins… and i ate it… i dont know who I am anymore


Thai Salad wrap… I spilled that little container of sauce all over my desk. It was tasty, even off of my desk

So if you’re in the Burlingame area, and are interested in trying some of this deliciousness, check out the menu on their website. Tomorrow is my first day off the cleanse, but it will consist of a lot of goodies from QueSeRawSeRaw… stay tuned for that! 🙂